
m-Jixel is a free APP for smartphone that allows you to send alerting messages in case you witness a threatening or dangerous event. m-Jixel makes it easy to create and share data about incidents you are witness of. The application uses your GPS location and sends geographical coordinates and other incident information such as photos of the incident to JIXEL server.

The downloable version of m-Jixel is for demonstrative purposes only. m-Jixel must NOT be used as a replacement for an emergency call. In case of danger, you must ALWAYS call an emergency number.

How to use m-Jixel

m-Jixel in action


Detection of the caller location and visualisation on the map

Creation and sharing of information about the incident (geographical coordinates such as lat/lon and further information)

Sending the signalling message to rescue operators

Checking of the map to get a better location

Download m-Jixel from iTunes

For the public sector:

  • Login

    Go to the online shopping portal PA and login

  • Select the product

    Search for “Beni”, category “Beni e gestione dei progetti”, the product code “m-JixelAE” (Advanced Edition)

  • Make your order

    Complete your order

UK: m-Jixel is also available on Digital Marketplace G-Cloud 8 for British public services. The service is supplied by Webgenesys SPA. You can find the service here.


Anch’ioSegnalo is the App made with m-Jixel by Webgenesys SPA for the Civil Protection of the Sicilian Region. It allows the user to send alerts about dangerous situations around him or her directly to the Control Room of the Civil Protection. The alert will include user’s location (calculated by GPS), a description of the event and at least one photo. Anch’ioSegnalo is ready to be downloaded on the App Store and Google Play.

Download Anch’ioSegnalo
